
I am having trouble focusing today. It's taken me the past several hours to write an article that should have only taken about one hour. Then one of my editors called to wish me bon voyage, and I couldn't really think of much to say, so I just thanked her and said a lot of definitelies and I-hope-sos and I'll-be-in-touches. Then I tried to read the Bible, but the words all started running together. And then I started trying to think about the Gospel, and as you might be able to imagine, my mind was sort of blank.

And then I started thinking about how even when I don't think about God, even when I can't concentrate on what He's saying to me through His word, He's always thinking of me. He's always loving me, always sustaining me, always causing my heart to beat and my lungs to expand and contract, and if He stopped thinking of me, I would cease to exist.

So if it's been a few days since you thought of Him, or if you're having trouble wrapping your mind around anything more complex than not drooling on your keyboard, or if you're totally fine, just take a moment and thank Him for thinking of you.


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